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For the best education.

(Al-Manhaj Platform) The strongest platform for teaching students. Our choice at Al-Manhaj

was to provide high-quality services in the field of education because we are experts in it! Today's students are the future of tomorrow.

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من نحن؟

When Founded


Our Vision

Providing quality education that is accessible to all, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to adapt to global changes.”

Our Exports
  • حصيل أكاديمي محسّن:

    • زيادة نسبة نجاح الطلاب في الاختبارات والمقررات الدراسية.
    • تحسين متوسط الدرجات والنتائج الأكاديمية.
  • مهارات القرن الحادي والعشرين:

    • تطوير مهارات التفكير النقدي وحل المشكلات.
    • تعزيز مهارات التعاون والتواصل بين الطلاب.
  • تجربة تعليمية مخصصة:

    • توفير مسارات تعلم فردية تلبي احتياجات الطلاب المختلفة.
    • تعزيز الدافعية والالتزام لدى الطلاب من خلال محتوى مخصص.

Why Students Love Our Platform

We're proud to have offered hundreds of courses in various subjects to students around the world, Register Now

Abdulrahman Mohammed

Very wonderful lessons and a beautiful platform. I benefited a lot from the lessons.

Abdulrahman Mohammed

2 weeks ago

Samer Ahmad

Nice platform and I benefited a lot from the lessons. Thank you.

Samer Ahmad

2 weeks ago

Sara Al Baghdady

Nice platform and valuable lessons

Sara Al Baghdady

2 weeks ago

What Sets Our Platform Apart

Reinforcement courses

دورات تقوية تفاعلية و مباشرة مع المدرسين اضافة الى دروس خاصة مكثفة ولمختلف المراحل الدراسية من الابتدائية وحتى الجامعة وباحدث الوسائل التعليمية

Reinforcement courses
The best teachers

نخبة من اكفأ مدرسينا ومن حملة الشهادات العليا من جميع محافظاتنا العزيزة وبمختلف الاختصاصات العلمية بتواصل واشراف مباشر مع الطالب

The best teachers
Accredited curriculum

دورات تقوية لطلبة المدارس وحسب المناهج المعتمدة من وزارة التربية العراقية اضافة الى المناهج الدراسية المعتمدة لاقليم كردستان العراق

Accredited curriculum

المنهج لطلاب المدارس

نقدم لكم حلول ومناهج معتمدة وحديثة في مختلف المراحل المدرسية التعليمية : الابتدائي المتوسط الاعدادي

Latest Courses

English winter session for sixth grade students
It includes an explanation of the material, along with solving the ques...
English course/ sixth grade
English Language Course / Sixth Grade Curriculum, Scientific and Litera...
Third intermediate course
  The course includes a detailed explanation of the material from the...
Sixth grade English
Teaching English language Grammer..liture
Chemistry course for the third intermediate grade, distinguished curriculum
Chemistry course for third intermediate grade for the  high achie...
English Language Intensive Curriculum Before the Mid-Year Sixth Preparatory - Nibras Al-Moussawi
English language intensive curriculum before the first half of the year...
Chemistry course for the first intermediate grade, distinguished curriculum
Chemistry course for the first intermediate grade for the distinguished...
Chemistry course for the second intermediate grade, distinguished curriculum
Chemistry course for the second intermediate grade for the distinguishe...
Chemistry sixth grade science
Complete syllabus for chemistry for the sixth scientific grade

Why Register on the Platform?


The best curricula that meet your passion, develop your skills, and discover your talents.


A confident and strong personality because our teachers take care of your child’s personality and enhance his self-confidence through educational methods.


We instill values and morals in our lessons because we take care of the student’s personality from all aspects (scientific and educational)


Your son will learn under your supervision, meaning that you will ensure that these advantages are achieved yourself and you will be our partner in follow-up and evaluation


ننمي المهارات التي يحتاجها ابنك فنحن نصمم الموضوعات بناء على مستوى ابنكم الفعلي.


حصص مليئة بالتفاعل والأنشطة التفاعلية وهذا ما يجعل الدرس مسلياً وماتعاً.


دروس خاصة بك لتحصل على أكبر قدر من الفائدة من دون أن ينافسك أحد, ويوجد دروس جماعية (أقل تكلفة)

Our Popular Teachers

حسين غزوان

حسين غزوان

مصطفى محمد صبيح

مصطفى محمد صبيح

محمد الخفاجي

محمد الخفاجي

عبير السوز

عبير السوز

غصون حسين  الطائي

غصون حسين الطائي

محمد الشمري

محمد الشمري

أوس علي حسين

أوس علي حسين

عبدالقادر السعدون

عبدالقادر السعدون

حمزة سردال التميمي

حمزة سردال التميمي

كرار حيدر الاسدي

كرار حيدر الاسدي


Featured Courses

Chemistry course for the third intermediate grade, distinguished curriculum
Chemistry course for third intermediate grade for the  high achie...
English Language Intensive Curriculum Before the Mid-Year Sixth Preparatory - Nibras Al-Moussawi
English language intensive curriculum before the first half of the year...
English Language Intensive Curriculum Before Mid-Year - Nibras Al-Moussawi
Explaing English books and this contain (Grammar-Reading-vocabulary-sto...
Intensive Arabic Language Course for the Third Intermediate Grade - Nawal Al-Akeely
Intensive Arabic language course to prepare students for the mid-year e...
Arabic Language Course For 6th Scientific Grade
Intensive Arabic language course to prepare students for the mid-year e...
Arabic Language Course For 6th Literary Grade
Arabic Language Course For 6th Literary Grade
6th class intensive course
Intensive course for 6th class the first ,second,third and fourth unit&...
An intensive English course for third-year intermediate students
  The course includes an intensive review of the material from Unit On...
Arabic Language - Intensive Course
Intensive Arabic language course for the fifth grade of middle school
Intensive course
An intenisive review course for the arabic language curriculum for the...
Intensive course
An intensive course for the third intermediate year to review the Arabi...
biology of the sixth scientific - intensive course
Central curriculum for chapters - first - second - third - fourth 16 l...
physics for 3rd grade
 Intensive physics course for 3rd grade with Mr.Mustafa Mohammed
Intensive course 5th classes
Intensive course 5th classes for the four units for mid year exam 
Intensive Course Arabic Language Preparatory Students
Intensive course for external students who will be familiar with Arabic...
Intensive course Arabic language sixth preparatory school students
Acomprehensiv course in the Arabic language for sixth grade external pr...
Arabic Language - Intensive Course
Intensive Arabic language course for the fourth grade of middle school
Sixth grade science mathematics curriculum (Arabic + distinguished) - Abeer Al-Soz
Complete curriculum for sixth grade science mathematics (Arabic + disti...
Intensive curriculum for sixth grade literary mathematics - Abeer Al-Sawz
An intensive curriculum for sixth-grade literary mathematics, with expl...
Sixth grade vocational mathematics intensive course - Abeer Al-Sawz
Sixth grade vocational mathematics, an intensive course for the purpose...
6th industrial schools
Intensive course for 6th industrial students   
Focused review of the English language - sixth preparatory - Atheer Nasser
Explanation of the subject of the first course of the English language...
Focused Revision of the English Language Third Intermediate - Atheer Nasser
Explanation of the subject of the first course of the English language...
Focused review of the English language fifth preparatory (11 grade) - Rasha Salem
A detailed and comprehensive explanation of the subject of the first co...